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DigiHealth Demo
DigiHealth demo is intended for your viewing convenience and it is best experienced on a device with a screen size of 15.6” or larger. This demo requires Adobe Flash player to work (and unfortunately some device platforms do not support it). If not already available in your web browser, please download (available at https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/) and allow it in your browser. Please also note that some elements may not display properly in this demo due to screen scaling effect. 

DigiHealth demo is made up of a sequence of media clips displayed in real-time; however, they are not timed and sequenced as they would be in actual applications. Furthermore, these media clips are placed in generic formats. In actual applications, they would be interleaved with customer-specific information (e.g. organization's logo, contact details, upcoming events, updates, and other specific messages and information).
Should you wish to visualize your applications, we will be glad to incorporate your information and present it to you online or in an actual device for your review and considerations. Please contact us at info@HyFives.com to discuss. 

©HyFives 2020